Hello Friends!
Last week we celebrated Dominika's birthday while visiting family in Ohio. The theme was her favorite character Minnie Mouse. She was so excited about her party, but to be more specific she was thrilled about the cake and the gifts. At 2 years young you kind of focus a lot on those things. Our family members came to celebrate our girl with us, cousins, uncles, aunts and some friends.
The previous night aunt Michelle hosted the kids at her home while Mark Walter and I went to a dear friend's wedding. They made this clever Mickey/Minnie Mouse cupcakes by using Oreos. We shipped a bunch of party decorations from our home in Cali and grandma helped with getting the cake, cookies and a bunch of other stuff. So thankful for my family's help!
While singing happy birthday. Papi wanted to get to her level^.^
Those cookies looked so pretty i didn't want to eat them!
Somehow the N and the I letters got lost. No problem, we adapt ;-)
Thanks to these ladies for all of their help<3
Cousins and their babies!
Cousins already having babies hubba what?? It is a weird but good feeling seeing how life just goes so fast. My little nieces are growing up rapidly, every time I see them they've grown a couple of inches. These two precious new members of the family are a big source of joy for everyone. Baby L and baby M we love you!
Food was delicious.
Ava holding baby M <3
My father in love(law) made fresh pico de gallo and guacamole. Dominika is a big fan of mexican cuisine. I cooked her favorite black bean dish with rice + hot dogs at Mark Jacinto's request.
opening her gifts
Open it, girl!
books are always nice
Ta da! amazing dresses=)
Ok, so I must mention this amazing gift Dominika got from her grandma. A chest full of dresses to play dress up till her little heart tires out. I can't wait to share them with you (most likely through Instagram). It couldn't come at a more perfect time because "Minnie" as we sometimes call our daughter, is very much into playing dress up. She was over the moon about it, not to mention mom. Wink.
My family<3
First time in heels.
She got an owl from grandma as well, which believe it or not, has been her quest to find the perfect owl. First thing Dominika did was dress the owl up. Soo cute, so Dominika.
As soon as she saw heels in the chest she took them out and put them on. Boy, this girl is a natural! No lessons, nothing. She just new what to do with them and kept saying "lookie, lookie" Show off, haha.
Photo towards the end of the party of grandma and Dominika. Their faces say it all, happiness and tiredness after partying well.
Thanks for reading!