Oh, hello there! We are in the middle of a family New Year's party but I wanted to post some darling pictures from our Christmas 2014 reunion at aunt Michelle's house before 2015 comes along! haha.
We are having a great time here with hot chocolate and cookies, after a huge burrito bar type of dinner. Everyone is taking a break from Just Dance; its time for seconds ;)
I love this photo of the family=)
We call ourselves the KropfWest family haha
Grandpa and Mark Jacinto^.^
Aunt Shell? and Mark Jacinto ( the question mark is an inside joke)
goofy family picture. Marky stop trying to lick aunt Shell's cheeks!
Uncle Matty and Kelsey. Love this goofy kiddos<3
Brand new hubby and wife. Aunt Shell and uncle Jason<3
Grandpapi & grandmami
reading the night before Christmas; a family tradition<3
Did I tell you my father in law has real talent for narrating books and making character voices?
Anywho, I gotta go now. The kids are making crafts and some funny pics are taking place. Have a great nEW yEAR 2015. Health, peace, hope and joy!